Aims and Objectives

CWDS perceives itself as a catalyst and facilitator towards enabling women exert agency and influence in the public and private domains. In order to develop, promote and disseminate knowledge regarding women’s roles in society and trends influencing women’s lives and status, CWDS aims to:

  • Undertake, generate and promote primary and applied research regarding women and development.
  • Advance the idea of women as active participants in politics and national development.
  • Promote and collaborate with academic institutions, grass-root organizations as well as individuals engaged in research, advocacy and related activities.
  • Provide advisory and consultancy services on gender issues to institutions and organizations within and outside government, including development agencies.
  • Organize and assist training programs for scholars, planners, administrators, development practitioners, members of women’s organizations and/or cooperatives and civil society members.
  • Undertake activities consistent with CWDS objectives to facilitate social transformation for the full and effective participation of women at all levels of society.