Research Methodology Course Quantitative Methods and Women’s Studies’ In collaboration with Centre for Women’s Studies, University of Hyderabad (Sponsored by the Indian Council of Social Science Research) (18th March – 28th March 2024)
Research Methodology Course on ‘Gender in Research and Methods of Inquiry’ (31 January to 11 February, 2022), Supported by ICSSR
Research Methodology Course on ‘Gender Across Social Science Disciplines’ (28 June to 9 July, 2021), Supported by ICSSR
Orientation Course in Region, Resources and Gender Development (27th November 2017- 1st December 2017)
The orientation course is supported by the Indian Council of Social Science Research, under the Special Component Plan, from 27th November 2017- 1st December 2017. This course is specially aimed to Faculty members from Universities/ Colleges and Registered Research Scholars from SC/ST categories.
Orientation Course “Towards a Multi-disciplinary Perspective on Research in Social Sciences (11th to 15th March 2015)
An Orientation Course Towards a Multi-disciplinary Perspective on Research in Social Sciences was conducted for the SC/ST Post Graduate students from the northern states from 11th to 15th March 2015
Course/Workshop for undergraduate students from University of Pennsylvania ( 22-23 December, 2014)
Two day course-cum-workshop was organized at the Centre for Women’s Development Studies for visiting undergraduate students from the University of Pennsylvania on 22-23 December, 2014. The workshop was organised as part of the course on Gender and Development in South Asia under ‘C.U. in India Programme’ of the South Asia Centre at University of Pennsylvania.
The course drew largely on CWDS faculty as resource persons. Guest lecturers were invited for the sessions on media and a CWDS-AUD M.Phil student also presented her work on Women’s studies in India.
Research Methodology and Training (28th January to 9th February, 2013)
Addressing Exclusions: Approaching Gender, 28th January, 2013 to 9th February, 2013, sponsored by the Indian Council of Social Science Research. This course is specially aimed at SC/ ST Candidates.
The course was structured along the lines of interactive lecture- based sessions, and Library consultation time, with a concurrent discussion format. Selected readings was made available to participants, along with a bibliography on the themes to be covered. The aspects covered will relate to inequalities and exclusions in the economic, political, social and cultural spheres
Research Training Course in Women’s Studies: Concepts and Debates (1st November to 9th December, 2011)
Sponsored by the Indian Council of Social Science Research, from 1st November to 9th December, 2011
The course was structured around interactive sessions with CWDS and guest faculty, library consultation, assignments and preparation of a research proposal.
The course follows a cluster approach, and is structured around 10 thematic clusters or units. Each of these clusters consists of a number of interactive sessions, library work and assignments to students, who will make presentations on the theme at the end of each cluster. At an early stage of the course each student will identify his or her area of interest and begin working on a research proposal. At the end of the course, each student will make a presentation of their proposal to the entire group and receive critical feedback.
The course was conducted over a period of six weeks, five days each week (with the exception of holidays). Each day was consist of at least two interactive sessions with the concerned faculty, in the morning and afternoon, including library consultation and reading.