In continuation of the earlier advertisement dated 8th February, 2018, Centre for Women’s Development Studies (CWDS), New Delhi – A premier research institute Supported by the Indian Council of Social Science Research, is looking for scholars from Social Sciences or Humanities with interest in women’s studies, to be appointed as its Director.
Eligibility: Candidates with good academic background; Experience in research and teaching as professor or equivalent position; Capable of team work; Team building and providing leadership.
Desirable: Due consideration will be given to experience of undertaking independent research or coordinating research projects and resource mobilization.
Job profile: The Director will be the chief functionary of the Centre working under the guidance of the Executive Committee of CWDS. He/she should have administrative ability and capacity to guide and lead the institution.
Age: The candidate should be in a position to complete one term of three years from the date of joining before attaining the age of 65 years.
Pay Scale: Rs. 37,400-67000 + AGP Rs. 10,000 + Allowances.
Applications: Application with detailed CV, copies of supporting documents may be sent to the Chairperson, Search Committee for Director, CWDS. These may be sent to the email id:
or by post to
The Chairperson
Search Committee for Director
25, Bhai Vir Singh Marg, New Delhi 110001.
Candidates who have applied in response to the earlier advertisement for the post need not apply again, since their applications will be considered alongwith the fresh applications.
The last date for the receipt of application is 30th May, 2019.