- Ph.D.(History), Jawaharlal Nehru University
- M.Phil (History), Jawaharlal Nehru University
- M.A. (History), Jawaharlal Nehru University.
Area of Interest
- Gender and History
- The Women’s Movement in India
- Developing a Women’s Studies Programme at the Centre
Journal Guest Editor
- In Memoriam: Neera Desai, Special Section of the Indian Journal of Gender Studies, vol. 25, no.2, June 2018.
Articles/Book Chapters
- “Reading Neera Desai: A Journey Straddling Women’s Studies and the Women’s Movement in India” Indian Journal of Gender Studies, vol. 25, no.2, June 2018.
- “Gender, Politics and the Middle Class: Some Questions from India” in Manjeet Bhatia (ed.) Locating Gender in the New Middle Class in India, IIAS, Shimla, 2017.
- “Looking Beyond Feminist Frames: Reflections on my Journey with the IAWS” in Indu Agnihotri and Meera Velayudhan (eds.) IAWS at 35 years, Chennai, 2017.
- (with Mina Swaminathan) “Gender, Childhood and Creative Communication: An Oral History”, in Disciplinary Dialogues on Social Change: Gender, Early Childhood and Theatre, ed. Nitya Rao, Academic Foundation Books, 2016.
- The Struggle for Food Security in India: Issues and Experiences from a Campaign”, for Society for International Development, (SID-SAN); Paper available on Internet.
- “Ecology, Land Use and Colonisation: The Canal Colonies, Punjab” in Mahesh Rangarajan and K. Sivaramakrishnan (eds.) India’s Environmental History, volume 2, Colonialism, Modernity and the Nation, Permanent Black, New Delhi, 2011.
- “Gender, Identity and Politics: Addressing Commonality with Difference” in A Fleschenberg and C. Derichs (eds.) Women and Politics in Asia: A Springboard for Democracy? LIT and Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, Zurich, Berlin, 2011.
- (with Vina Mazumdar), “Changing Terms of Political Discourse: Women’s Movement in India, 1970s-1990s”, in T.K. Oommen (ed.) Social Movements II A Reader, Concerns of Equity and Security; OUP, New Delhi, 2010
- (with Vina Mazumdar), “Democracy Freedom and Development: The Struggle for Women’s Emancipation in India” in Bijaylakshmi Nanda (ed.) Understanding Social Inequality: Concerns of Human Rights, Gender and Environment, Macmillan, New Delhi, 2010
- (with Indrani Mazumdar), “Dusty Trails and Unsettled Lives: Notes on Women’s Labour Migration in Rural India”, Indian Journal of Gender Studies, Vol. 16 No. (3) Sept.-Dec 2009
- Globalization, Resistance and Change: Reflections on South Asian Women’s Experiences in Bhatia, Bhanot and Samanta (eds.) Gender Concerns in South Asia: Some Perspectives, Rawat, Jaipur, 2008.
- Women’s Movement and Governance: Issues and Challenges, in Smita Mishra-Panda (ed.) Engendering Governance Institutions: State, Market and Civil Society, Sage, New Delhi, 2008.
- Living in Interesting Times: Reflections on the Women’s Movement in Contemporary India, School of Lifelong Learning, University of Delhi.