- MPhil. (Women’s Studies) specialization in Environmental Science from Women’s Studies Research Centre, University of Calcutta
Research Interest: Natural Resource Management, Climate Change and Livelihood, Disaster Risk Reduction.
Papers & Articles
- ‘From Development Induced Displacement to the Verge of Migration: A case study of Displaced Santali Women in Bankura district of West Bengal’ in Surjit Singh & Dhruv Raina (Ed.), Society and Development: Regional Perspectives, Rawat Publication, Delhi, 2016
- ‘Gender Perspective of Participatory Forest Management in India’ in Chittabrata Palit & Priyanka Guha Roy (Ed.), Popular Culture: Plumbing People’s History, Rupali, Kolkata, 2016.
- ‘Human Animal Conflicts: Exploring the Policy, Belief and Myth in the Bankura District of West Bengal’ in Dai-Yeun-Jeong & Mohinder Slariya (Ed.), Human Dimension of Water and Development: Issues and Challenges in the Context of Climate Change, Create Space Independent Publishing Platform, USA, 2015 ISBN 9781517674823
- ‘Las Mujeres en la Gestión Colectiva de Bosques, un Estudio a través de algunos Comités para Protección de Bosques en el Distrito Bankura, Bengala Occidental’ (Women in Joint Forest Management: Study of Some Forest Protection Committee in Bankura District of West Bengal) in Alka Jaspal (Ed.), Papeles de India, ICCR, 2015, Vol.44, No. 1, ISSN 0971-1449
- Article on ‘Disaster Management Comparative Study between Japan and India’ at Jenesys East Asia Future Leaders Programme on Disaster Management and People Working Toward the Creation of a Strong Society, Japan Foundation, July 2012, ISBN-978-4-87540-152-0
- Different Shades of Susana-Article on Susana Gentileschi, Aryanil Mukherjee (Ed.),Kaurab Vol 113 February 2012 ISSN 2249-4960
Training Manual
- Gender Mainstreaming in Disaster Management: produced by Women’s Studies Research Centre- Calcutta University, UNDP and Government of West Bengal Department of Disaster Management (2010).